Our customers and references

„We manufacture individual parts, prototypes, and series parts for industry, small and medium-sized businesses, and research institutions.“

3D Waterjet Cutting Saves Additional Machining

Complex 3D applications up to 800 mm component height

We have two 3D waterjet cutting systems. These allow us maximum flexibility to fully meet your requirements. From simple weld seam preparation to complex 3D applications, we can process any freeform shapes of the components in a single manufacturing process.

Furthermore, with our tube module, we offer the processing of pipes and shafts, as well as square and hexagonal profiles.

The working area for 3D components is 4,000 x 3,500 mm

Examples of applications

On our machines, we can cut hard materials abrasively, as well as use pure water for foam and plastics. The working area for 3D components is 4,000 x 3,500 mm with a maximum processing height of 800mm.

  • Complex 3D geometries
  • Weld seam preparations
  • Introducing penetrations and recesses in dished ends and containers
  • Cutting notches at angles into pipes
  • Adding bevels to agitator blades

Take Advantage of 3D Waterjet Cutting!

Single Parts as well as Small and Large Series

With our dual 3D cutting heads, we can offer an economical solution for both individual parts and small and large series.

Are you interested in benefiting from this modern technology and working with us in this regard? Then please contact us for a personalized offer. Also, if you have any questions about 3D water jet cutting, we are more than happy to assist.

We would be pleased to send you a proposal.